MemoriesMovement.jpg (13751 bytes)

Memories Movement

I made this in honor of my mother Norma I. Plys who passed away May of 1998.  Her death came sudden and unexpected. I think I worked out some of my missing her while I was beading this piece.  It is a pin with the solid wave like area sitting on  my shoulder. The emotion of grief and loss seems like waves that come over me for no obvious reason; sometimes it just happens.  Memories and feelings are flowing, ever  moving and I beaded this area with these thoughts in mind.  This is made with free form peyote, brick, and right angle weave.  On the right side I used free form netting with areas of flat ndebele, peyote and brick stitch.  Many of the embellishment beads in the free form netting represent a part of my mother's life and personality.As I worked on this piece and looked at the ceramic face I thought that the face represented my mother but really it was myself and my grief.